The Woodcraft Girls at Camp

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The Woodcraft Girls at Camp
By:Lillian Elizabeth Roy
Published on 2014-11-21 by Lillian Elizabeth Roy

Example in this ebook CHAPTER ONE THE CHOSEN LAND |Ooo-ooh! Oo-ooh! Nita!| called Suzanne Baker, as she skipped across the small square of green grass that individualised the brownstone house where Anita Brampton lived. No answer came, so Zan—as she was always called for short—impatiently repeated the call, adding after a moment's pause, |Where are you—come on out!| Still no reply, but the pretty face of Mrs. Brampton appeared at the glass door inside the vestibule. She smiled as she recognised the caller and nodded for her to come in. Zan ran up the steps and said, |How'd do, Mrs. Brampton—where's Nita?| |Looking for you, most likely,| laughed the lady of the house. Then, as her smile changed to a petulant look with the changing of her thought, she added, |Dear me! Nita is a sore trial. Did you ever know her to accomplish anything without confusion to others?| Zan knew from experience that that aggrieved tone meant a long harangue on Nita's shortcomings, so she hurriedly changed the subject. |Well, as long as Nita isn't here I guess I'll run along to Miss Miller's. They'll all be there waiting, I s'pose.| |All right, dearie; I have a little bridge party in the library, or I would give more time to you,| replied Mrs. Brampton, daintily patting down a few stray wisps of blonde hair that fluttered in the breeze from the open door. |Oh, I'm in a great hurry, anyway,| returned Zan, starting out of the doorway. At that moment, a maid summoned Mrs. Brampton to the telephone saying that her daughter wished to speak with her. |Wait a moment, Zan—Nita's on the 'phone and you can speak to her after I see what she wants,| said Mrs. Brampton, turning back. Zan followed to the small nook where the telephone was kept and stood waiting. Laughter and the sound of coins drew her attention to the bridge players in the large library. Mrs. Brampton finished speaking with her daughter, saying, |Zan is here—wait a second and I'll put her on the wire.| Turning to hand Zan the receiver, she whispered, |When you are through here run to the dining-room and have a glass of wine and cake—it is all ready for my friends.| |Oh, no, thank you, Mrs. Brampton! You know Daddy doesn't approve of us having wine. We always drink water at home,| replied Zan, flushing uncomfortably. |Dear me, I forgot! The doctor is such a radical on these little things!| laughed the lady merrily, patting the girl consolingly on the shoulder with much-beringed hands. She hastened back to her guests while Zan called, |Hello, Nita! Where are you, anyway?| |Ha, ha ha! We're all at Miss Miller's? Why don't you hurry over, too,| came a musical voice over the wire. |Just because you didn't do as I said! I told you distinctly to wait for me at the school-gates. You knew I'd be a few minutes late on account of seeing my Latin teacher after school. I asked Bob if he had seen you—he was waiting for some boys in front of the gate—but he said you had hurried away with the girls. So I stopped in here thinking you may have gone home.| There was a moment's silence, then a petulant voice, so like Mrs. Brampton's that Zan smiled, said, |Dear me! I'm sure it isn't my fault if you didn't meet us! Why all of the girls should bother to hang around waiting for you, is more than I can tell!| |Well, seeing that the whole plan is mine, and not one of you girls would have been in on it if I hadn't asked you, it seems mighty ungrateful to act so, that's all I have to say!| and Zan jabbed up the receiver on its hook. To be continue in this ebook

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