The Great Beginning of Citeaux

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The Great Beginning of Citeaux
By:E. Rozanne Elder
Published on 2012-05-01 by Liturgical Press

In the closing decades of the twelfth century, the Cistercian Order had become an important ecclesiastical and economic power in Europe. Yet it had lost its influential spokesman, Bernard of Clairvaux, and as the century drew to a close, religious sensibilities were changing. The new mendicant orders, the Franciscans and the Dominicans, and the impulses they embodied were to shift the center of gravity in Christian religious life for centuries to come. It was in this transitional period that Conrad of Eberbach gradually—between the 1180s and 1215—compiled the Exordium magnum cisterciense: The Great Beginning of Cîteaux. It is a book of history and lore, often with miraculous stories, meant to continue a great spiritual tradition, and it is also a book meant to justify and repair the Order. The Exordium magnum was in part an effort to provide a historical and formative context for those who were to be Cistercians in the thirteenth century. Conrad's combination of a historical sensibility and the edifying exempla makes the Exordium magnum a remarkably innovative book. Its unique combination of genres—narratio and exempla—is conceivable only within the intellectual world of the twelfth or early thirteenth centuries, before exempla collections came to be complied solely for edification or use in sermons. The Great Beginning of Cîteaux is a revealing book and an excellent place to begin more detailed study of the Cistercian Order between 1174 and the middle of the thirteenth century.

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Book ID of The Great Beginning of Citeaux's Books is P7r2LBQ1-fMC, Book which was written byE. Rozanne Elderhave ETAG "jBp3dMxTXPM"

Book which was published by Liturgical Press since 2012-05-01 have ISBNs, ISBN 13 Code is 9780879077822 and ISBN 10 Code is 0879077824

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Book which have "664 Pages" is Printed at BOOK under CategoryReligion

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